Yeah I had it plugged in earlier but this man has asked to use the plug and I said it was fine because my laptop was almost full. That was hours ago. His must be charged by now, but then, I paid for my drinks a long time ago, so in all senses it's time to move on. And then, just before packing up, I immediately chose to write a blog post. hashtagwhatamilike?
My life the past week and a half has been work. I got a part time job, so I'm working full time and by that I mean all the time. 4 days in on the job and every other waitress is away for various reasons. It was full on. Tiring. Double shifts. Eczema city on my hands. However some of the girls are back now and I'm back to part time. Living the dream. This was the dream, first couple of months in The Netherlands I wanted to get a job where I have time to explore and learn more about the city, then learn some actual Dutch. Goededag!
You can get a job in a cafe/restaurant/fast food chain I think quite easily, in the city centre especially when speaking only English. However they really want to encourage a greater use of Dutch, so to climb any career ladder a knowledge of the language is a necessity. Which is a good thing, it's driving my learning. my reading of this bad boy:
He gets to go everywhere with me. Everywhere. |
The other day while walking to work (my chain had fallen off my bike) I decided to walk and read. Read Hugo's Dutch in three months book. Being so used to my normal cycle to work it was only after being tooted at by mopeds I realised I was walking on the cycle path while reading. hashtagwhatanuttern00b
I wish I had more exciting stories for you all. But I have been working so much I literally have been dreaming about stacking saucers. To give you an idea I had work shifts that go like this:
Saturday: 11 hours
Sunday: 6 hours
Monday: 9 and a half hours
Tuesday: 9 and a half hours
Wednesday: 8 hours
Thursday: 9 hours
So I've been doing a lot of working, then sleeping. Although Hayden and I started watching Orange Is The New Black. I had forgotten how good it is to get a brand new, juicy series to get your teeth into. Also we're savouring the programme, watching one episode every few days. That feels like a practice of the past, archaic viewing with such strong self (the opposite of the following word) indulgence.
I think I need to get my brain back into writing again. And by writing I mean general thinking. It is funny how being tired knocks you to silly.
Battery too low. Have to find another cafe to plug into power source.
I am now blogging to you from my second home in Amsterdam... I give to you:
Beautiful... heel mooi |
Yes, thanks to Hayden I found a metal pub in Amsterdam. Pretty sure at the moment this is the only metal pub in Amsterdam, and I hope to be proved wrong on that. Not because there's anything lacking here. Just because I really like the idea of a thriving metal community. To be honest, on the surface I haven't encountered that much metal. But time and enthusiasm will tell. Metallica's Through The Never is premiering here tomorrow. When I find out my shifts I'll hopefully be able to book to go to a viewing. I'm really hoping Lars and Kirk are going to come to Amsterdam as part of their Europe tour but I've found no information so far.
More on Excalibur. It is awesome. I was just busy cycling to a different cafe to find a plug and a cup of tea when I heard Megadeth's 'Symphony of Destruction' so I locked up my bike and headed straight in. Right now we have ACDCs 'T.N.T' playing. It's the happiest drinking hole in the city.
Look at the decor:
Yes that is a dragon. Yes you can buy a tshirt. |
It's also just so refreshing to sit somewhere and have a constant stream of good metal in your ears.
I should have said, in actuality, when cycling from the first cafe I was looking for ABN Amro bank to set up a bank account. The Netherlands is very strict. We all have this super relaxed image of the country, yeah a lot of that is true, lots of people are laid back, friendly, lenient laws on various past times.
But when it comes to being a Dutch citizen, you have to register, have to (by law) get your own health care insurance, can only set up a bank account with your citizen number and work contract. Perhaps this is mandatory everywhere and it's just the first time I've encountered it, but yeah, it feels like the hoops of bureaucracy are before me and I must jump. Or, like in Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone for PlayStation one, fly through.
Almost a year ago, I was sitting at Cara's editing one of Maddrim's many Halloween films (they will be released... one day) and she put RENT on. I didn't really want to watch it I had heard it was sad and I wasn't interested in such a film. Also, side note, at the time, I had no idea Team America's 'Lease' was a parody; boy was that an eye opener on the background of that joke. I just thought they had gone to town with jokes on aids. To be brutally honest, I only realised last month, that that was a parody on Rent.
For anyone who doesn't know Rent "is a rock musical with music and lyrics by Jonathan Larson[1] based on Giacomo Puccini's opera La bohème." Thanks Wikipedia.
However, as Cara and Joe watched the film and I started to procrastinate from editing I was drawn into the operatic rock beats of their 90s New York. I began my infatuation with Rent.
The more I watch it/listen to the songs on Aly's spotify the more I love it. It's really great, the whole bohemian life, although inflicted with disease/poverty/inability to write one glorious song. I said to Cara we should move to New York and live a similar lifestyle (without all the bad bits, I hope).
Now Hayden and I are in Amsterdam, a city of laid back lifestyles and plenty of jazz, and I am craving...
Megadeth's 'Symphony Of Destruction' is on again. I think this must be their Wednesday afternoon playlist on repeat. Can't wait for some more Turbonegro's 'All My Friends Are Dead' again.
Craving some structure, is structure the right word? Maybe I need more time off work to think. But yes, I can't wait to have a Dutch bank account, I can't wait to have health insurance. Coming here I've realised I'm the type of person who likes to have work, accounts, to be settled. I'd be a terrible bohemian. I suppose there's always Joanne, she's a lawyer.
I think this is a conclusion now, this blog has been everywhere, if this blog post were a buzzfeed post there would be no classification, well, perhaps WTF.
To give you a conclusion: I am happy to be registered and on my way to settling in officially and now, with less shifts and that means I can party more. I got both worlds. Thanks Hannah Montana, all my wishes Miley Cyrus. You'll get back to the best in no time.
I'm a waitress |
Thanks to:
Wikipedia (always)
LOVE the Philosopher's Stone game reference. Memories came flushing back!
ReplyDeleteMiss you my lovely! We must Skype soon!