To sum it up in, almost, one. I am back to the same state of affairs as Jess from the beginning of season 2 of New Girl.
And now without a house.
I can't work out whether I'm being too light or too downtrodden about the whole thing, so maybe I am borderline both about it.
Basically, whilst visiting family for the weekend we were notified we had to leave our current flat. Luckily, as of the 1st of November we have a house ready to rent and we have a friend we are living with now, so really the situation is far from terrible. To be honest, staying with our friend is really nice, and our other friend, who is moving with us too, is also homeless as of today so it's like having a big fun sleepover, with the boys. Not in that way.
Then the job front. An unfair dismissal you may call it, but as things are still ongoing there I don't want to delve into it, but when you are no longer given shifts as you won't work for less than minimum wage, I would call that unfair dismissal.
To say what probably everyone before me has said ever: No one tells you how hard it's going to be when you move to a new country.
Actually what I should say is: I don't think i listened when everyone told me how hard it was going to be.
Don't think that I expected it to be a breeze, to be settled straightaway, have a job the first day, find a group of friends and set up the Dutch Maddrim 'Daddrim' (needs new name). I'm sure there has been worse situations for others, I'm blessed with our friends who look after us, being here with Hayden and having the internet for never ending distractions, entertainment, online Dutch lessons, information about jobs and Bejewelled Blitz.
What I am going to do when I feel my life is in a more organised, coherent and housed is write a guide for expats, a guide to knowing your rights and making sure you are ready to work and live and demand rights. Don't ever be afraid to ask for what you are legally obliged. Or I suppose what you want in general. As Mam Robertson says:
"If you don't ask you'll never get."
Thanks Charlotte.
I think now a lot about those people who find thousands of misplaced pounds gifted to their bank accounts because of some technical error by some multimillionaire company. A friend told me about that last night. That is my new dream in life, to be the person, not the company.
Thank you blog, writing this post is making me feel better, I forgot how therapeutic this is.
So let's go to the lighter new of fun things that have been going on in the Netherlands and television and past television I've only just started watching (obviously Firefly). Our friend Rodrigo is coming to stay tomorrow (from when we have a house, good timing). To that will be good having a friend with us, also he just told me he's bringing his super nice camera, I have already written to short film scripts. They will be coming your way soon.
I almost forgot: HAPPY HALLOWEEN.
(This blog post was started yesterday)
Here is a picture I have been working on that sums up all the various parts of Halloween:
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That is a bag of bones I excavated. Animal bones. |
So in news about tv and film: I have finished series one of Orange Is The New Black, if you haven't seen it, watch it, it's a Netflix series, but I'm sure you can just view it anywhere online, the wonders of internet. Then I have been trying to catch up with True Blood, I'm still on series four, and, like with every series, I forget how weird and disturbing it can get. There's always a point in True Blood when I wonder if I can watch the whole series, and, only half way through, I have hit that point three times.
Now an even older series I have finally started watching: Firefly
Oh Josh Whedon, you are so great.
Anyone who likes their sci-fi series, flying through space, discovering strange new planets with a massive dollop of western essence, then watch this. Also, as it is a Whedon series you can expect all the main characters to be well rounded and likeable. I think his strong characters are one of his best traits, especially the nice strong female roles.
I've only watched the first four episodes, so I don't have too much to offer, let me try:
Episode 1: the pilot is great and packed full of information and action, extra long, almost feels like a film but never feels like it has been drawn out unecassarily
Episode 2: I forgot
Episode 3: The third episode is really scary (good for tonight).
Episode 4: Not my favourite for storyline, but perhaps my favourite so far for humour.
Generally the story telling is one of the strongest parts, there is a lot of history to each of the characters and it the world they live in, this is revealed gradually through each episode with clever storytelling and dialogue.
Yes, go watch Firefly and lament too that there will only ever be one series of the show. Stupid Fox. I hope you enjoy it, I do, I especially appreciate all the shots of the ships flying through space WITH NO SOUND EFFECTS. Because in space there is no sound. Josh Whedon, just look at the man and you can see all his brains. Literally.
Anyway, speaking of space. We're about to go and watch Gravity in an Imax. Excitement levels are high. Then we're going to come home and watch Practical Magic, it is Halloween after all and the stars kindly made an appearance in this post. After describing the film the boys are expecting it to be a scary and spooky film about witchcraft. I'm going to end up watching this film alone...
Nee heb je, ja kun je krijgen.