Thursday 27 October 2011


Yes that is my ranking in the world. Out of 7 billion. Not bad, but I'm not sure what good is.

Last time I 'blogged' (there was no need for parenthesis I know I just hate that word.)
Yes. Last time I 'blogged' here was when I was busy desalting my ipod. I kept that process up for about 2 days and changing the water when saline levels made it undrinkable. Since it's been drying in rice, then in a bag with some more (boil in the bag) rice and a silicone packet and I've not tried turning it on.

Boil in the bag Ipod (highly impractical due to silicone packet)
 When I'll try to work it I'll let you know.

What I should tell you is a story I started but never finished way back on the 2nd October:

 What happened to the otter?
We freed it.

But enough of all this maritime-otter-rescuing-Ipod-abondoning ridiculousness, it has plagued this blog for too long. This used to be a place where I posted old notes from Facebook. Those were the carefree ctrl+c then ctrl+v days.

To new matters at hand. I've not been here in a while, I've been busy, I got to go to the "Youth Volunteering Achievement Awards" on  Tuesday, which included a buffet (but no mozzarella sticks) and, thanks to Maddrim's nomination for an award, sneak into the group photo. Willem is to the right of me with Maddrim's actual nomination, and Ceidiog and I are on either side modelling our free mints. I got 6 packets. Ceidiog got 8. Thank you Rotary Club!

Then on Monday, this is not chronological, I got to see Ed Byrne as he preformed his current show Crowd Pleaser in the Clickimin Centre. Very much enjoyed the show. Highlights for me included: his retelling of when he met the Commander of the Starship Reliant in an airport; his 5 views on a boy wearing a certain 50cent t shirt and his tale of confusion with Craig Campbell (Who also came up here and rocked the Isles). However my favourite joke was a quick addition to a longer story:

"I've never been a big cat person, but then I've never been bitten by a radioactive cat"

He's a fellow geek. Which he himself declared in the show. He proclaimed his love for DnD and when talking to him after the show about the game I realised I really need to get my blog on. My new blog. For my DnD game. It's going to be more an epic tale of quests and adventure but I'll write it in the guise of a blog, cause I'm 21st century like that.

Ed and I
Should also just say a big thank you to Mr. Ed Byrne (because he reads this? HA) but he came up here, tirelessly gave an amazing show, was happy to come and talk to everyone after and is Be Nerdy.

So that is what I've been up to.
Isn't this like when you're back in Primary School and someone has there show and tell? Yes. Yes it is. Which reminds me. Show and Tell is on tonight. Television.

Monday 17 October 2011

Marjolein used Scuba Diver - it's super effective!

Rescued Ipod

The long struggle is over. Call me Captain Ahab, no Commodore, no actually I haven't read Moby Dick and I have a bad feeling about the end of it. Yes, yesterday, Sunday the 17th October, we finally fished my Ipod out form the treacherous North Atlantic Ocean.

Sorry I didn't blog about this yesterday, the parents are away this weekend and I'm looking after the house so I had to cook, tidy, wash clothes, look after the animals and then went over to my friends to play Dungeons and Dragons for 3 hours. We've just started up, we've got a halfling Danny, I can't remember his characters name. Theo was some sort of cat being but we couldn't find the second sheet for his character's traits so he got swtiched to a half elf who is surprisingly clumsy and I'm a female dwarf warrior called Reuben.

So, Ipod fishing. Now I can tell you how to do it. We had a 9 person strong team. Well no, we had 9 people there, but 6 were spectators. Mark, Mhia and I got in the water to fish for it the third time. So really you need about 3 persons, or four, it's good for a dry spectator to hold the camera.

Mark and Mhia

It took about 50 minutes of diving, well Mark diving and Mhia and I splashing around, silting up the water. It was only after a 10 minute break to allow the water to clear that Mark found it. Tricky thing being the water was still pretty heavily silted, sorry Mark, so he was basically swimming along the bottom picking up everything he could find to see if he felt the leather case of the Ipod.

And here is the most triumphant moment (of just after - no one really remembered to film we were all that excited)

To be honest everyone is just so overwhelmed there.

So the next challenge is to get this baby working again.
I turned to Yahoo Answers in a bid to gain some knowledge on the situation. Yahoo answers is a goldmine for fun, I can't believe I've not been on that sooner. It's as good as typing in the first half of a question on google.

Examples of never ending fun on Google:

How did metal even get there?

So to my question, I thought I'd just throw it at the general public, someone else is bound to have done the same. So I asked:

"How do you fix a 4th generation Ipod after it has been in the North Atlantic Sea for a month?
It was in a leather (but not waterproof) case"

 Answers were pretty varied, actually no, they were all pretty intent on it being broken forever. Whatevs. No one even suggested rice. I know way more than these. Apart from one:

 "Robbert Michel
Get a ticket to Cardiff (Wales) and wait for Doctor Who to come along (Drives a classic British blue phone box marked “Police”). Then travel back in time to stop yourself from dropping the iPod in the Atlantic Ocean.

One warning though:

This solution can cause severe problems with causality, and may lead to sudden inter-dimensional collapse. It’s probably easier and cheaper to buy a new one.

Cheers Robert.

I've already started  first the desalting process (next will be drying in rice):
Strategically placed pine cone
And if this doesn't work I'll put it in some sort of glass vessel and hang it from the wall.

Yours sincerely

P.S Ah before I forget big thank you to everyone who has helped: Karen Radford, Mark Simmons, Mhia Mouat, Theo Mouat, Lyndon Mouat and Nell and Malcolm Robertson for letting us use their pier for searching from those many, many three times. And also thank you to all the well wishes on facebook/twitter/real life. Cheers!

Sunday 9 October 2011

Update on the fishing business

This going to be a short entry because I've still got to write the improv ideas film for Maddrim.

Multi tasking just now, blogging and watching Back to the Future. Fuck it's awesome. The set up for the rest of the film in the car park when Doc explains time travel is so well done. Sorry, getting distracted, I'll mute it, no wait, the main theme is about to kick in when he's about to reach 88mph... I'll just turn the volume down, a bit.

So to the main reason for the blog: fishing.

I never should have written that last blog with the section 'how to fish for your ipod' as I didn't catch it that time and I sure as hell didn't this time. Guess Poseidon's enjoying my full discography of the Dixie Chicks just too much to give it back.

(Ad break - now I'm watching Groundhog Day. Ghad I love a bit of Murray.)
 So yes, my first attempt I went out in my boat with a net, this time I donned my wetsuit, goggles and snorkle, and took the net too just for some banter.

Here I am to your right, looking optimistic. Fool.

It's hard to see in this photo, but it was pretty windy, it was gusting up to f7 and it was cold. The water was murky, the sea floor muddy and I was just making it alot worse by splashing around in the cold.

There, down below, that's me splashing around in the cold.

But to cut this short, because it's too painful to write, and Back To The Future finished long, long ago, I caught nothing, apart from perhaps a cold. We'll see!

But this is not the end. There is going to be a third attempt; my neighbour Theo, is going to help me with his underwater torch... Again, damn the black leather case.

I will fish it out eventually, I will.

Big thank you to Karen Raford who drove me to the pier and photographer my efforts. I couldn't have failed a second time without her. We also had other fun adventures this past weekend that I will blog about soon.

I should also like to say RIP to Steve Jobs. This adventure would have never begun without him. If I do catch it eventually it will be the voyage dedicated to him.

Sunday 2 October 2011

It's been a long time

to get from there to here...

But seriously, I'm sorry I haven't posted here in a while, I started this blog with such good intentions; but the best laid plans and all that, I haven't posted in a while. That is until I'm meant to plan something for tomorrow and then I need to procrastinate and writing in this blog is the form of procrastination I am taking today. Not going to complain it is (sort of) productive.

But yes as I said I'm meant to be planning something, that would be a Creative Ideas Workshop for Maddrim Media Club's meeting tomorrow. Mainly there's going to be a lot of improv games and then discussions for future ideas. So I'm busy doing that, starting a new job at work, setting up an improv group and fishing for my ipod. But I'm only going to expand on one of those stories now so naturally I'll choose the last.

How to fish for your Ipod
I probably shouldn't be writing a guide on this seeing as I haven't caught it yet. Instead this should be more of a story of woe and a warning to never take your Ipod with you when going for a row.

Look this is me rowing on the voe, I really love a good row:
Note: No Ipod
To cut a pretty long story short, I went for a row, neighbours ended up joining me, four of us in two boats when to investigate a strange squeaking noise - it was an otter stuck in a lobster creel, during all the commotion trying to free the otter owners swapped boats, some people were on the pier, my ipod was left in my boat, which was then accidentally capsized resulting in a soaked neighbour and a sunken MP3 player.

My lovely, now dry, neighbour then bought me a replacement Ipod. But I still really want to fish out my old one. For three reasons:

1) It may, just may, still work, which would be a miracle
2) How many people can say they've caught a saltwater Ipod?
3) I want to put it in a bottle and hang it on my wall. That'd just be fucking awesome.

So after purchasing a 99p net from my brother's local corner shop I took my row boat out yesterday, minus my new ipod but plus one wet suit (prepared) and went fishing!
I spent two hours hanging over my boat... I did see it, almost had it, then it evaded me and I was unable to spot it again as it is in a leather case, which was actually also a present from the same neighbour.

I didn't realise at the time, because I was super busy fishing, but family and neighbours were watching and laughing and tweeting about me. Bit mean.

Yes I retweeted it
But yea I am dry now, and warm, but I can't rest knowing my Ipod (oh so wittingly named 'Marjolein's Pithus of Music' d'ya get it? Soz for the vulgarity) is still at the bottom of our voe. So this week I'm going to be borrowing my brother's snorkle gear and have a second attempt. Failing that I'll upgrade to scuba diving gear from my friend Mark. Best be soon winter is coming. Although with this lovely Indian Summer it's not that bad a problem. Indian Summer in Shetland we hit 17 degrees and people didn't know how to cope.

I've got to go, I'm uploading a film I made in 6th year of school, to Youtube. I'll maybe blog about it one day. It's a tribute to Steve Irwin. What a legend.