Monday 7 May 2012

no seen dee fir a lang time.

Sitting up on the hill typing, because it's just too nice to be sat indoors tonight. Perhaps this shows how long it's been since I last blogged; the fact the sun is still shining after eight at night is a huge difference to February, but then, it was snowing yesterday, so the weather is still erratic as it was then, and will always be, here in Shetland. (CUE OPENING THEME)

Not quite mastered the laptop's inbuilt camera.

So news from the Robertson household. I bought shit loads of bread today. Heaps of it. Was emailed from Chaz saying Dirk was heading over an we needed to stock up. I went wild. If your feeling inclined for baked dough come along, we could toast it, grill it, even eat it raw. Was in the supermarket today, (because I was buying bread) had a good look through the magazines. Earlier this year the coop was selling this Marvel collection of all the greatest story lines hard bound for about a fiver each. It was amazing. Checking again to see if they were still stocking it, but nae luck. What I did find was a National Geographic, it was all: "the American Civil War" and I was like "this is great because I want to learn more about it!" Currently all I really know about the Civil War is what Vampire Bill Compton has taught us or about how the crack came to be in the Liberty Bell from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. So I was keen to buy it. I forgot that National Geographic is a basically a picture book of near enough A5 proportions and isn't even hardbound (unlike my beloved, but unfinished, Marvel collection) it was good though, cracking photos of Iceland.

What really pisses me off are the other magazines, the celebrity/lifestyle/fashion magazines. I used to love them, maybe that's why they annoy me even more. I got really angry at Angelina today, pouting on the cover of one, along from her was some actress laughing inanely and then Kirsten Stewart, doing nothing. PER USE. Why do you think yourselves so important as to sell your stories and interviews!? Wait. HA HA AH HA HA HA I write a blog.


And that's one of the reasons I haven't blogged in a while, because of a lack of focus for these entries I feel like I'm just bombarding the internet with a stream of incoherent, badly slanged driv that should be left in a subconscious somewhere... and then actually spell checked... just in case anyone should ever stumble upon it. There are so many blogs out there that are brilliant, with a focus on something like music, gaming or food, perhaps not even that, not a specific genre, but the blog is actually a well done, concise and interesting follow up of that persons time since last blogzz'in. I don't even give you that in my blog. I've not even given you real news. For my household's news from the last three months all I gave you was: bread. Yes. Today we bought bread, similar as every other 3 or so days (although as I said it was a shit load and I don't think we'll need more for at least five).

So whether to gain focus, carry on regardless or quit this blog. I think it'll be a mixture of the first two with an occasional avoidance of blogging every few months. Therefore, with regards to my blog as it's been heading along since it began, there will actually be no change. I just promise to write more, often.
