Wednesday 28 October 2015

I am in the process of cat sitting. Here is how that is going:

I'm cat sitting a cat and I don't know if I've told you this before but I'm allergic to cats.

I took on this role as it offers me a lovely house for the next three weeks and some space to sit and edit my films continuously, but then, side note: the folk I'm house-sitting/cat sitting/whatever for have Netflix. I've never had this before, I suppose I don't now, and actually neither do they - they're on someone else's account. (Which is cool and hilarious in a similar fashion to that of sharing accounts with that thing where you listen to music online and it has every tune ever and if you listen at the same time as someone else on the same account you have to have a space bar war pausing and starting the music till they give up listening to music on that same account - I have forgotten the nam eof this SPOTIFY. It's called Spotify, but yeah the sharing accounts similar to Spotify but I think on Netflix more than one can use it at the same time yes? I really type as I think, I really do.) Anyway, back to me meeting Netflix: I've had my eyes opened to television that never stops and now understand all those Netflix jokes I've read in memes and on the internet before such as:

'Netflix just asked me if I'm still alive'
I get those now, I get those, that joke.

Although what I didn't get for a really long time, even with Netflix, was the true meaning of:
"Netflix and chill"

I know now.

But Netflix is great, and terrible, so so terrible. It just keeps feeding you TV, no adds, not even full end credit sequences between episodes, and, when you finish one series it delves you straight into a whole new show. I don't know why I'm telling you this seeing as I seem to be the last one in this new chilled world. Everyone else has already experienced Netflix. EVERYONE. In the past three days I've watched three whole series and two and a half films and 6 miscellaneous episodes of other shows and read every synopsis of every Third Rock From The Sun episode ever, purely to try and find the one where they all experiencing dreaming for the first time. During this time I have also been working, practicing the fiddle, been to the opticians - nailed it! And had meetings and visited family. So in other words: I haven't been sleeping or eating anything other than toast. Netflix is the worst.

I was going to write about allergies and the cat and Netflix took over my blog post. Now when I'm not watching it I'm typing about it, but last (?) comment on Netflix: if you do have it check out Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, a lot of it is very far fetched and overly cheery, but the dialogue is so good, Kimmy is fantastic. Also please, please, please watch Obvious Child, what a great film.


Yeah I'm allergic to the cat, actually at the opticians appointment she pointed out that my eyesight is excellent (I made only two mistakes with those letters that get smaller, like a stupid version of the Star Wars start credits, one was an X not a "K" like I said, the other was an A and not an "Upside down triangle" which is weird because an upside down triangle would be like a V. Stupid Marjolein, stupid.) but yeah my eyes are all good apart from the swollen puffiness and itchy irritation caused by allergies.

And that's from the cat I'm cat sitting.

And that was today's blogpost. Netflix.

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